by : fen222
Hewan Bivalvia bisa hidup di air tawar, dasar laut, danau, kolam, atau sungai yang lainnya banyak mengandung zat kapur. Zat kapur ini digunakan untuk membuat cangkoknya.
Struktur luar kerang air tawar
Hewan ini memiliki dua kutub ( bi = dua, valve = kutub) yang dihubungkan oleh semacam engsel, sehingga disebut Bivalvia. Kelas ini mempunyai dua cangkok yang dapat membuka dan menutup dengan menggunakan otot aduktor dalam tubuhnya. Cangkok ini berfungsi untuk melindungi tubuh. Cangkok di bagian dorsal tebal dan di bagian ventral tipis. Kepalanya tidak nampak dan kakinya berotot. Fungsi kaki untuk merayap dan menggali lumpur atau pasir.
Cangkok ini terdiri dari tiga lapisan, yaitu :
a. Periostrakum adalah lapisan terluar dari zat kitin yang berfungsi sebagai pelindung.
b. Lapisan prismatik, tersusun dari kristal-kristal kapur yang berbentuk prisma.
c. Lapisan nakreas atau sering disebut lapisan induk mutiara, tersusun dari lapisan kalsit (karbonat) yang tipis dan paralel.
Untuk lebih memahami kelas Bivalvia atau Pelecypoda, di bawah ini adalah gambar bagian-bagian tubuh kerang yang dipotong secara melintang. Perhatikan gambar penampang melintang cangkok dan mantel berikut ini!..
(A) Penampang melintang tubuh Pelecypoda;
(B) Penampang melintang cangkok dan mantel
Jika Anda memperhatikan kerang yang masih hidup, kaki hewan ini berbentuk seperti kapak pipih yang dapat dijulurkan ke luar. Hal ini sesuai dengan arti Pelecypoda ( pelekis = kapak kecil; podos = kaki). Kerang bernafas dengan dua buah insang dan bagian mantel. Insang ini berbentuk lembaran-lembaran ( lamela) yang banyak mengandung batang insang. Sementara itu antara tubuh dan mantel terdapat rongga mantel. Rongga ini merupakan jalan masuk keluarnya air.
Sistem pencernaan dimulai dari mulut, kerongkongan, lambung, usus dan akhirnya bermuara pada anus. Anus ini terdapat di saluran yang sama dengan saluran untuk keluarnya air. Sedangkan makanan golongan hewan kerang ini adalah hewan-hewan kecil yang terdapat dalam perairan berupa protozoa diatom, dll. Makanan ini dicerna di lambung dengan bantuan getah pencernaan dan hati. Sisa-sisa makanan dikeluarkan melalui anus. .
Struktur dalam kerang air tawar
Hewan seperti kerang air tawar ini memiliki kelamin terpisah atau berumah dua. Umumnya pembuahan dilakukan secara eksternal.
Diagram daur hidup kerang air tawar
Dalam kerang air tawar, sel telur yang telah matang akan dikeluarkan dari ovarium. Kemudian masuk ke dalam ruangan suprabranchial. Di sini terjadi pembuahan oleh sperma yang dilepaskan oleh hewan jantan. Telur yang telah dibuahi berkembang menjadi larva glochidium. Larva ini pada beberapa jenis ada yang memiliki alat kait dan ada pula yang tidak. Selanjutnya larva akan keluar dari induknya dan menempel pada ikan sebagai parasit, lalu menjadi kista. Setelah beberapa hari kista tadi akan membuka dan keluarlah Mollusca muda. Akhirnya Mollusca ini hidup bebas di alam.
“proses pembuatan mutiara”
1 ) Secara alami
Di alam, mutiara terbentuk akibat adanya irritant yang masuk ke dalam mantel kerang mutiara. Fenomena adanya irritant ini sering juga ditafsirkan dengan masuknya pasir atau benda padat ke dalam mantel kemudian benda ini pada akan terbungkus nacre sehingga jadilah mutiara. Secara teoritis, Elisabeth Strack (secara mendalam terdapat dalam buku Pearls tahun 2006) mendeskripsikan terbentuknya mutiara alami terbagi atas dua bagian besar, terbentuk akibat irritant dan masuknya partikel padat dalam mantel moluska. Pada prinsipnya, mutiara terbentuk karena adanya bagian epithelium mantel yang masuk ke dalam rongga mantel tersebut. Bagian epithelium mantel ini bertugas mengeluarkan/mendeposisikan nacre pada bagian dalam cangkang kerang disamping membentuk keseluruhan cangkang.
Teory irritant mengungkapkan bahwa pada suatu saat bagian ujung mantel sang kerang dimakan oleh ikan, hal ini dimungkinkan karena kerang akan membuka cangkang dan menjulurkan bagian mantelnya untuk menyerap makanan. Saat mantelnya putus, bagian remah eptiheliumpun masuk ke dalam rongga mantel. Teory irritant juga mengungkapkan bahwa bisa saja mutiara terbentuk akibat masuknya cacing yang biasanya menempati moluska pada masa perkembangannya kemudian berpindah ke organisme lain. Cacing ini merusak dan memasuki rongga mantel. Cacing ini tanpa sengaja membawa bagian epithelium yang ada di permukaan mantel bersamanya. Bila cacing mati dalam rongga mantel, maka cacing ini akan dibungkus oleh epithelium, membentuk kantung mutiara dan akhirnya terbentuklah mutiara.
Kalaupun cacing itu bisa melepaskan diri, maka epithelium yang tinggal dalam rongga mantellah yang akan membentuk mutiara setelah sebelumnya membentuk kantung mutiara. Sementara teori yang kedua adalah masuknya partikel padat ke dalam rongga mantel. Partikel padat bisa saja terperangkap di dalam tubuh kerang akibat dorongan air. Saat kerang ini tak bisa mengeluarkannya, partikel inipun bisa saja masuk ke rongga mantel. Saat dia masuk, epithelium juga ikut bersamanya.
Epithelium ini akhirnya membungkus partikel padat sehingga terbentuklah kantung mutiara. Kantung mutiara ini akhirnya akan mendeposisikan nacre ke partikel padat tersebut. Namun demikian sejauh ini belum ada bukti ilmiah yang mendukung teori masuknya pasir ke dalam mantel kerang mutiara walaupun teori ini dipahami sejak lama. Dari beberapa mutiara alami yang dibedah, menunjukkan bahwa bagian inti mutiaranya bukanlah partikel padat.
2 ) Mutiara hasil budidaya
Sebelum kegiatan operasi, kerang mutiara jauh hari sebelumnya sudah mengalami proses yang disebut weakening (membuat kerang mutiara menjadi lemah). Proses ini biasanya dari 2 minggu sampai sebulan tergantung jenis dari kerang mutiara. Proses ini dimaksudkan supaya kerang mutiara akan akan mengalami stress dan memasuki fase reproduksi dengan cepat sehingga apabila operasi dilaksanakan gonadnya sudah kosong. Bila gonad dalam keadaan penuh maka kegiatan operasi akan menyulitkan dan bahkan banyak mengalami kegagalan.Proses weakening ini bisa dengan menutup kerang mutiara dengan sarung yang berpori sangat kecil sehingga partikel makanan tersaring atau bahkan kerang mutiaranya ditumpuk bersama kemudian dibungkus dengan sarung berpori kecil. Dalam kondisi ini, kerang mutiara masih bisa bertahan hidup walau makanan dalam partikel yang lebih besar sudah tak ada lagi. Setelah proses ini, kerang mutiara diangkat ke darat (bila operasi dilaksanakan di darat) dan mengalami proses weakening lanjutan di dalam tanki. Mereka ditumpuk bersama sehingga mereka makin lemah akibat konsumsi makanan dan oksigen yang rendah. Bila operasi dilakukan tanpa proses ini, kerang mutiara masih sangat kuat untuk menendang keluar nucleus yang dimasukkan ke dalam gonadnya. Bahkan untuk jenis kerang terbesar P. Maxima, otot mereka sangat kuat bila tak melewati proses weakening sehingga cangkangnya sangat susah dibuka. Pada saat-saat tertentu air dikeluarkan dari tanki sehingga memaksa kerang untuk membuka cangkangnya. Saat kerang membuka cangkang peg (pengganjal) disisipkan diantara kedua cangkang kemudian kerang siap dioperasi. Pada saat tanpa air, kerang akan membuka cangkang sementara mantelnya akan tertarik ke dalam. Hal ini memudahkan kegiatan pegging karena saat ditutupi air kerang akan membuka cangkang namun bagian tepinya akan tertutup mantel, akibatnya apabila dilakukan pengganjalan maka peg akan melukai mantel kerang. Mutiara hasil budidaya menggunakan prinsip terbentuknya mutiara alami dengan sebuah nucleus sebagai dasar terbentuknya mutiara. Seorang teknisi terlatih akan menyiapkan inti mutiara yang biasanya bulat dan berasal dari cangkang kerang lain dan potongan mantel atau disebut juga saibo yang diambil dari kerang mutiara lain. Pemilihan donor ini mempertimbangkan warna dan kualitas nacre Mother of Pearl-nya (yang terdapat pada bagian sisi dalam cangkang kerang).
Awalnya sang teknisi akan membunuh kerang donor dengan hati-hati agar supaya tak menyentuh mantelnya. Bila mantelnya tersentuh, maka mantel akan berkeriput akibat reaksi dari si kerang. Membunuh kerang donor dilakukan dengan menyisipkan pisau di antara dua cangkang dan memotong otot aduktor dari kerang donor. Saat terbelah, kerang didiamkan sampai benar-benar mati sehingga saat bagian mantelnya disentuh dia tak bereaksi lagi. Selanjutnya dipotonglah bagian mantel yang menempel pada kedua cangkang dan mantel tersebutpun dipotong lagi kecil-kecil (kira-kira 3 x 3 mm). Bagian mantel yang dipersiapkan untuk penyisipan disebut saibo, sehingga kerang donor disebut juga kerang saibo. Saat operasi penyisipan, kerang penerima sudah dipegging (ditempatkan pasak antara kedua cangkang). Kerang penerima ini ditempatkan sedemikian rupa agar mudah dioperasi. Shell opener bertugas untuk membuka cangkang lebar-lebar, kemudian teknisi akan mengiris tipis bagian antara gonad dan kaki dari kerang sebagai tempat masuknya inti dan saibo. Ukuran Intipun dipilih sesuai dengan ukuran gonad. Setelah itu intipun dimasukkan se dalam-dalamnya ke dalam gonad kemudian disusul dengan satu lembar saibo. Lembar saibo ini ditempatkan sedemikian rupa agar melekat di inti dengan bagian ectoderm (yang berisi epithelium penghasil nacre) menghadap inti. Karena bila terbalik maka kemungkinan terbentuk mutiara bulat sangat kecil. Setelah itu kerangpun ditempatkan ke keranjang atau panel dan akhirnya dikembalikan ke laut. Teknik operasi dan pasca operasi bervariasi setiap perusahaan mutiara.
Pada prinsipnya, dengan menerapkan teknik-teknik tertentu, kerang mutiara tak akan ”menendang” keluar inti yang disisip dan akhirnya bisa menghasilkan mutiara bulat yang berkualitas baik. Proses pemilihan kerang untuk penerima/penghasil mutiara juga mempertimbangkan umur kerang dan masa reproduksinya. Bila kerang dalam masa reproduksi maka gonadnya akan penuh, sehingga dianggap tak cocok untuk disisipkan inti. Kemampuan teknisi akan menentukan kualitas mutiara yang dihasilkan nanti.
in english :
Animals bivalves can live in fresh water, sea, lakes, ponds, or streams that many other substances containing lime. Lime is used to make cangkoknya.
Outside the structure of freshwater mussels
This animal has two poles (bi = two, valve = polar) which is connected by a kind of hinge, so-called bivalves. This class has two grafts that can open and close using the adductor muscle in his body. This graft serves to protect the body. Grafts in the dorsal and ventral thick thin. His head was not visible and muscular legs. The function of the foot for edging and digging mud or sand.
This graft consists of three layers, namely:
a. Periostrakum is the outermost layer of chitin substance that serves as a protector.
b. Prismatic layer, composed of lime crystals are prismatic.
c. Nakreas layer or layers is often called the mother of pearl, is composed of layers of calcite (carbonate) are thin and parallel.
To better understand the bivalves or Pelecypoda class, below is a picture of the parts of the body shells are cut transversely. Note the cross-sectional images following graft and coat! ..
(A) cross section of the body Pelecypoda;
(B) cross section and mantle graft
If you pay attention to the shells that are still alive, animal legs are shaped like flattened axes which can be extended to the outside. This is consistent with the meaning of Pelecypoda (pelekis = hatchet; podos = feet). Shellfish breathe with two gills and the mantle. These gill-shaped sheets (lamela) which contains the gill bars. Meanwhile, between the body and mantle mantle cavity there. The cavity is a passage into the discharge water.
Digestive system starts from the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine and ultimately boils down to the anus. The anus is located on the same channel with a channel for water discharge. While groups of animals shellfish food is small animals found in the waters of protozoa diatoms, etc.. This food is digested in the stomach with the help of digestive juices and the liver. Leftovers expelled through the anus. .
Structure in freshwater mussels
Animals such as freshwater mussels have separate sexes or married two. Generally, fertilization is done externally.
Diagram the life cycle of freshwater mussels
In freshwater mussels, which have mature eggs will be removed from the ovary. Then into the room suprabranchial. Here fertilization by sperm released by males. Fertilized eggs develop into larvae glochidium. These larvae on there that have some kind of hook tools and some are not. Furthermore, the larvae will exit from its parent and attached to the fish as a parasite, then becomes a cyst. After a few days earlier cysts will open and exit the young molluscs. Finally, these molluscs live freely in nature.
"Pearl-making process"
1) Naturally
In nature, pearls are formed due to the irritant into the pearl oyster mantle. The phenomenon of the irritant is often interpreted by the entry of sand or solids into the mantle then this thing on so it will be wrapped pearl nacre. Theoretically, Elisabeth Strack (depth contained in the book Pearls in 2006) describes the formation of natural pearls is divided into two major parts, formed by the irritant and the entry of solid particles in the mantle of mollusks. In principle, the pearl is formed due to the mantle epithelium into the mantle cavity. Part of this mantle epithelium served removing / mendeposisikan nacre on the inner shells in addition to forming the whole shell.
Teory irritant revealed that at one time part of the mantle edge mussels are eaten by fish, this is possible because the shells will open a shell and stuck out his coat to absorb the food. When her coat off, the crumb eptiheliumpun into the mantle cavity. Teory irritant may also revealed that pearls are formed due to the inclusion of worms that usually occupy the mollusk at the time of its development and then move on to other organisms. This worm is destructive and enter the mantle cavity. This worm accidentally took part in the surface epithelium with her coat. When the worms die in the mantle cavity, then the worm will be covered by the epithelium, forming a pearl sac and eventually forming a pearl. Even if the worm was able to escape, then lived in the cavity epithelium mantellah which will form the pearl after pearl form pockets. While the latter theory is the entry of solid particles into the mantle cavity. Solid particles can be trapped in the body due to a boost water mussels. When these shells can not remove it, even this particle could enter the mantle cavity. When he entered, epithelium also come with her.
This epithelium eventually wrap the solid particles forming the pearl sac. The bags will eventually mendeposisikan pearl nacre to the solid particles. However so far no scientific evidence that supports the theory of the entry of sand into a pearl oyster mantle, although this theory has long been understood. Of the few natural pearls are dissected, showing that the pearl is not a core part of solid particles.
2) Cultured Pearls
Before the operation, ahead of pearl oysters has undergone a process called weakening (making pearl become weak). This process is usually from 2 weeks to a month depending on the type of pearl shells. This process is intended to pearl oysters will be experiencing stress and entered the reproductive phase of the operation carried out quickly so if gonadnya empty. When the gonad is fully charged then the operations are difficult and even many experienced kegagalan.Proses this weakening can close the pearl oysters with a porous gloves are so small that filtered food particles or even a pearl shells are stacked together and then wrapped with a small porous gloves. In this condition, pearl oysters can still survive even though the food in larger particles no longer exists. After this process, pearl oysters raised to the ground (if the operations carried out on land) and undergo a process of continued weakening in the tank. They are stacked together so that they are weaker due to the consumption of food and low oxygen. When surgery is performed without this process, pearl oysters are still very strong to kick out the nucleus that is inserted into the gonadnya. Even for the largest types of clams P. Maxima, they are very strong muscles if you do not pass through the process of weakening so that the shell is very hard to open. At certain times the water removed from the tank forcing the shells to open the shell. When the mussels open shells peg (booster) inserted between the two shells and mussels prepared in surgery. By the time without water, the shells will open the shell while the coat would be interested into. This facilitates the activities of pegging because when water covered the shells will open a shell, but its edges will be closed coat, as a result, if done pengganjalan then the peg will hurt the clam mantle. Pearl cultivation using the principle of formation of natural pearls with a nucleus as the basis for the formation of pearls. A trained technician will prepare the pearl nucleus is usually round and come from other shells and pieces of mantle or also called Saibo taken from other pearl oysters. Selection of donors is consider color and nacre quality of its Mother of Pearl (found on the side of the shell).
Initially the technicians will kill the mussels donors carefully so as not to touch his cloak. When the coat was touched, it will coat wrinkled due to a reaction from the clams. Shellfish kills done by inserting a knife donors between the two shells and cut the adductor muscle of the scallop donors. When split, the shells silenced until completely dead, so when he touched the coat did not react anymore. Next dipotonglah the mantle attached to the second shell and mantle tersebutpun cut again into small pieces (approximately 3 x 3 mm). Section coat prepared for insertion is called Saibo, so that donors also called clam shells Saibo. When the insertion operation, the receiver has dipegging shellfish (wedge placed between the two shells). Shellfish receiver is placed in such a way as to be easily operated. Shell opener on duty to open the shell wide open, then the technician will cut a thin section between the gonads and legs of the shells as the core entry and Saibo. Intipun size selected according to the size of the gonads. After that intipun included as in-it into the gonad and then followed with a single sheet Saibo. Saibo sheet is placed in such a way as to stick in the core with the ectoderm (which contains the nacre-producing epithelium) facing the core. Because if the reverse is probably very small round pearl is formed. After that kerangpun placed into baskets or panel and eventually returned to the sea. Surgical technique and postoperative vary each firm pearls.
In principle, by applying certain techniques, pearl oysters will not "kick" out of core inserted and could eventually produce a good quality round pearls. The selection process for the shells to the recipient / pearl-producing mussels also consider the age and reproductive life. When the shells in the reproductive period then gonadnya will be full, so it is considered not suitable for embedded cores. The ability of the technician will determine the quality of pearls produced later.
Outside the structure of freshwater mussels
This animal has two poles (bi = two, valve = polar) which is connected by a kind of hinge, so-called bivalves. This class has two grafts that can open and close using the adductor muscle in his body. This graft serves to protect the body. Grafts in the dorsal and ventral thick thin. His head was not visible and muscular legs. The function of the foot for edging and digging mud or sand.
This graft consists of three layers, namely:
a. Periostrakum is the outermost layer of chitin substance that serves as a protector.
b. Prismatic layer, composed of lime crystals are prismatic.
c. Nakreas layer or layers is often called the mother of pearl, is composed of layers of calcite (carbonate) are thin and parallel.
To better understand the bivalves or Pelecypoda class, below is a picture of the parts of the body shells are cut transversely. Note the cross-sectional images following graft and coat! ..
(A) cross section of the body Pelecypoda;
(B) cross section and mantle graft
If you pay attention to the shells that are still alive, animal legs are shaped like flattened axes which can be extended to the outside. This is consistent with the meaning of Pelecypoda (pelekis = hatchet; podos = feet). Shellfish breathe with two gills and the mantle. These gill-shaped sheets (lamela) which contains the gill bars. Meanwhile, between the body and mantle mantle cavity there. The cavity is a passage into the discharge water.
Digestive system starts from the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine and ultimately boils down to the anus. The anus is located on the same channel with a channel for water discharge. While groups of animals shellfish food is small animals found in the waters of protozoa diatoms, etc.. This food is digested in the stomach with the help of digestive juices and the liver. Leftovers expelled through the anus. .
Structure in freshwater mussels
Animals such as freshwater mussels have separate sexes or married two. Generally, fertilization is done externally.
Diagram the life cycle of freshwater mussels
In freshwater mussels, which have mature eggs will be removed from the ovary. Then into the room suprabranchial. Here fertilization by sperm released by males. Fertilized eggs develop into larvae glochidium. These larvae on there that have some kind of hook tools and some are not. Furthermore, the larvae will exit from its parent and attached to the fish as a parasite, then becomes a cyst. After a few days earlier cysts will open and exit the young molluscs. Finally, these molluscs live freely in nature.
"Pearl-making process"
1) Naturally
In nature, pearls are formed due to the irritant into the pearl oyster mantle. The phenomenon of the irritant is often interpreted by the entry of sand or solids into the mantle then this thing on so it will be wrapped pearl nacre. Theoretically, Elisabeth Strack (depth contained in the book Pearls in 2006) describes the formation of natural pearls is divided into two major parts, formed by the irritant and the entry of solid particles in the mantle of mollusks. In principle, the pearl is formed due to the mantle epithelium into the mantle cavity. Part of this mantle epithelium served removing / mendeposisikan nacre on the inner shells in addition to forming the whole shell.
Teory irritant revealed that at one time part of the mantle edge mussels are eaten by fish, this is possible because the shells will open a shell and stuck out his coat to absorb the food. When her coat off, the crumb eptiheliumpun into the mantle cavity. Teory irritant may also revealed that pearls are formed due to the inclusion of worms that usually occupy the mollusk at the time of its development and then move on to other organisms. This worm is destructive and enter the mantle cavity. This worm accidentally took part in the surface epithelium with her coat. When the worms die in the mantle cavity, then the worm will be covered by the epithelium, forming a pearl sac and eventually forming a pearl. Even if the worm was able to escape, then lived in the cavity epithelium mantellah which will form the pearl after pearl form pockets. While the latter theory is the entry of solid particles into the mantle cavity. Solid particles can be trapped in the body due to a boost water mussels. When these shells can not remove it, even this particle could enter the mantle cavity. When he entered, epithelium also come with her.
This epithelium eventually wrap the solid particles forming the pearl sac. The bags will eventually mendeposisikan pearl nacre to the solid particles. However so far no scientific evidence that supports the theory of the entry of sand into a pearl oyster mantle, although this theory has long been understood. Of the few natural pearls are dissected, showing that the pearl is not a core part of solid particles.
2) Cultured Pearls
Before the operation, ahead of pearl oysters has undergone a process called weakening (making pearl become weak). This process is usually from 2 weeks to a month depending on the type of pearl shells. This process is intended to pearl oysters will be experiencing stress and entered the reproductive phase of the operation carried out quickly so if gonadnya empty. When the gonad is fully charged then the operations are difficult and even many experienced kegagalan.Proses this weakening can close the pearl oysters with a porous gloves are so small that filtered food particles or even a pearl shells are stacked together and then wrapped with a small porous gloves. In this condition, pearl oysters can still survive even though the food in larger particles no longer exists. After this process, pearl oysters raised to the ground (if the operations carried out on land) and undergo a process of continued weakening in the tank. They are stacked together so that they are weaker due to the consumption of food and low oxygen. When surgery is performed without this process, pearl oysters are still very strong to kick out the nucleus that is inserted into the gonadnya. Even for the largest types of clams P. Maxima, they are very strong muscles if you do not pass through the process of weakening so that the shell is very hard to open. At certain times the water removed from the tank forcing the shells to open the shell. When the mussels open shells peg (booster) inserted between the two shells and mussels prepared in surgery. By the time without water, the shells will open the shell while the coat would be interested into. This facilitates the activities of pegging because when water covered the shells will open a shell, but its edges will be closed coat, as a result, if done pengganjalan then the peg will hurt the clam mantle. Pearl cultivation using the principle of formation of natural pearls with a nucleus as the basis for the formation of pearls. A trained technician will prepare the pearl nucleus is usually round and come from other shells and pieces of mantle or also called Saibo taken from other pearl oysters. Selection of donors is consider color and nacre quality of its Mother of Pearl (found on the side of the shell).
Initially the technicians will kill the mussels donors carefully so as not to touch his cloak. When the coat was touched, it will coat wrinkled due to a reaction from the clams. Shellfish kills done by inserting a knife donors between the two shells and cut the adductor muscle of the scallop donors. When split, the shells silenced until completely dead, so when he touched the coat did not react anymore. Next dipotonglah the mantle attached to the second shell and mantle tersebutpun cut again into small pieces (approximately 3 x 3 mm). Section coat prepared for insertion is called Saibo, so that donors also called clam shells Saibo. When the insertion operation, the receiver has dipegging shellfish (wedge placed between the two shells). Shellfish receiver is placed in such a way as to be easily operated. Shell opener on duty to open the shell wide open, then the technician will cut a thin section between the gonads and legs of the shells as the core entry and Saibo. Intipun size selected according to the size of the gonads. After that intipun included as in-it into the gonad and then followed with a single sheet Saibo. Saibo sheet is placed in such a way as to stick in the core with the ectoderm (which contains the nacre-producing epithelium) facing the core. Because if the reverse is probably very small round pearl is formed. After that kerangpun placed into baskets or panel and eventually returned to the sea. Surgical technique and postoperative vary each firm pearls.
In principle, by applying certain techniques, pearl oysters will not "kick" out of core inserted and could eventually produce a good quality round pearls. The selection process for the shells to the recipient / pearl-producing mussels also consider the age and reproductive life. When the shells in the reproductive period then gonadnya will be full, so it is considered not suitable for embedded cores. The ability of the technician will determine the quality of pearls produced later.
by: fen222